Capabilities and knowhow

ATA Gears can produce bevel and cylindrical gears for all kinds of applications using both conventional and 5-axis machining methods. Our manufacturing process is able to accurately produce the specified gear product: raw material, design, accuracy, heat treatment, NDT – all manufacturing stages are controlled in-house. Whatever the product or application, ATA Gears has the right machines and knowhow for the job. We also invest significantly and continuously in gear testing and materials development.


Capabilities and knowhow

ATA Gears can produce bevel and cylindrical gears for all kinds of applications using both conventional and 5-axis machining methods. Our manufacturing process is able to accurately produce the specified gear product: raw material, design, accuracy, heat treatment, NDT – all manufacturing stages are controlled in-house. Whatever the product or application, ATA Gears has the right machines and knowhow for the job. We also invest significantly and continuously in gear testing and materials development.


ATA Gears cooperates closely with major steel makers and forging companies and with both national and international research institutes. Sourcing of steel and the very latest material knowhow are an integral part of every ATA Gears component delivery.


ATA Gears cooperates closely with major steel makers and forging companies and with both national and international research institutes. Sourcing of steel and the very latest material knowhow are an integral part of every ATA Gears component delivery.


ATA Gears produces geared power transmission components for all kinds of applications using both conventional methods and 5-axis milling methods. The machining methods applied for bevel gears include grinding, hard-cutting (HPG), lapping, 5-axis milling and isotropic superfinishing (ISF). For cylindrical gears we apply hobbing, shaping, 5-axis milling and ISF. Our manufacturing process is designed to handle both bigger series and one-off deliveries. We use several CAM software packages including the in-house developed ATA-CAM.

Grinding, hard-cutting and lapping
Isotropic superfinishing (ISF)
Hobbing and shaping
Sixteen 5-axis milling machines
Four 5-axis machines connected to FMS systems


ATA Gears produces geared power transmission components for all kinds of applications using both conventional methods and 5-axis milling methods. The machining methods applied for bevel gears include grinding, hard-cutting (HPG), lapping, 5-axis milling and isotropic superfinishing (ISF). For cylindrical gears we apply hobbing, shaping, 5-axis milling and ISF. Our manufacturing process is designed to handle both bigger series and one-off deliveries. We use several CAM software packages including the in-house developed ATA-CAM.

Grinding, hard-cutting and lapping
Isotropic superfinishing (ISF)
Hobbing and shaping
Sixteen 5-axis milling machines
Four 5-axis machines connected to FMS systems

Heat treatment

Heat treatment is a vital stage in gear production and a core element in ATA Gears’ business strategy. It ensures the required hardness, surface wear resistance and fatigue strength – all essential features in gear performance and reliability. Heat treatment is a complex process, and ATA’s process is ultra modern and digitally controlled with minimal human interference. As the entire manufacturing process is controlled in-house, any possible deformation from heat treatment is promptly detected and the relevant data transferred to the finish-machining stage. As there is no detailed guidebook for heat treatment, ATA’s specialists have made their own in close cooperation with local and international research institutes. Every ATA gear delivery includes documentation of quality control and heat treatment.

  • Capable of handling bevel gears of diameter up to 2 400 mm x length up to 2 100 mm
  • Nine carburizing and hardening furnaces
  • Four connected to automatic charge handling systems
Heat treatment of even larger components can be achieved through cooperation with our dedicated and trusted subcontractor network.

Heat treatment

Heat treatment is a vital stage in gear production and a core element in ATA Gears’ business strategy. It ensures the required hardness, surface wear resistance and fatigue strength – all essential features in gear performance and reliability. Heat treatment is a complex process, and ATA’s process is ultra modern and digitally controlled with minimal human interference. As the entire manufacturing process is controlled in-house, any possible deformation from heat treatment is promptly detected and the relevant data transferred to the finish-machining stage. As there is no detailed guidebook for heat treatment, ATA’s specialists have made their own in close cooperation with local and international research institutes. Every ATA gear delivery includes documentation of quality control and heat treatment.

  • Capable of handling bevel gears of diameter up to 2 400 mm x length up to 2 100 mm
  • Nine carburizing and hardening furnaces
  • Four connected to automatic charge handling systems
Heat treatment of even larger components can be achieved through cooperation with our dedicated and trusted subcontractor network.

Isotropic superfinishing

For optimal surface quality of tooth flanks – their roughness and texture – ATA Gears is able to apply the in-house isotropic superfinishing (ISF) treatment to achieve a mirror-like surface finish. This special chemically-assisted vibratory polishing method is specifically recommended for applications where improvement is needed to avoid scuffing and micropitting.

ISF increases:

  • Efficiency
  • Micropitting resistance
  • Pitting resistance
  • Scuffing resistance
  • Tooth root strength
These advantages can add up to increased power density (10-30%) as well as better operational safety.

Isotropic superfinishing

For optimal surface quality of tooth flanks – their roughness and texture – ATA Gears is able to apply the in-house isotropic superfinishing (ISF) treatment to achieve a mirror-like surface finish. This special chemically-assisted vibratory polishing method is specifically recommended for applications where improvement is needed to avoid scuffing and micropitting.

ISF increases:

  • Efficiency
  • Micropitting resistance
  • Pitting resistance
  • Scuffing resistance
  • Tooth root strength
These advantages can add up to increased power density (10-30%) as well as better operational safety.

Inspection and classification

The quality of the gears we supply is verified and documented by our meticulous quality control process. We have three coordinate measuring machines (CMM) capable of measuring even the largest gears we produce. Our own NDT inspectors conduct final inspections of ATA Gears’ products before they leave the factory. A key part of quality verification for bevel gears is the contact pattern test, for which we have 13 testing machines. As an alternative to physical testing, we are also able to carry out contact pattern testing using simulation methods based on actual CMM-measured tooth flank topographies. All crucial dimensional data are recorded in our systems during the manufacturing process and compiled at the final inspection to ensure that every ATA Gears delivery comes with all the necessary documentation.

  • 3 coordinate measuring machines
  • NDT equipment and certified inspectors for ultrasonic, magnaflux and Barkhousen noise tests
  • Clear classification process with major classification societies (e.g. DNV, ABS, LR, KR, NK)

Inspection and classification

The quality of the gears we supply is verified and documented by our meticulous quality control process. We have three coordinate measuring machines (CMM) capable of measuring even the largest gears we produce. Our own NDT inspectors conduct final inspections of ATA Gears’ products before they leave the factory. A key part of quality verification for bevel gears is the contact pattern test, for which we have 13 testing machines. As an alternative to physical testing, we are also able to carry out contact pattern testing using simulation methods based on actual CMM-measured tooth flank topographies. All crucial dimensional data are recorded in our systems during the manufacturing process and compiled at the final inspection to ensure that every ATA Gears delivery comes with all the necessary documentation.

  • 3 coordinate measuring machines
  • NDT equipment and certified inspectors for ultrasonic, magnaflux and Barkhousen noise tests
  • Clear classification process with major classification societies (e.g. DNV, ABS, LR, KR, NK)