Services and support

The Gear Doctors in ATA Gears’ technical customer service are always available to discuss your gear needs. With our customers operating in various industries around the world, we have overcome all manner of power transmission challenges in a vast range of applications. There will always be an answer and a solution.


Services and support

The Gear Doctors in ATA Gears’ technical customer service are always available to discuss your gear needs. With our customers operating in various industries around the world, we have overcome all manner of power transmission challenges in a vast range of applications. There will always be an answer and a solution.

Gear design and optimization

Depending on customer needs, we are able to carry out both basic tooth geometry and strength calculations as well as highly advanced gear simulation and optimization. Geometry and strength calculations can be carried out according to all common national and international standards as well as methods applied by classification societies. With our in-house gear design capability, we can guarantee full manufacturing compatibility already in the design phase, which is very important for cost-effective solutions.

For applications with stringent requirements – regarding, for example, power density, noise and efficiency – we utilize our advanced gear simulation/optimization concept. This approach ensures significant improvement in the performance and reliability of a gear drive as the tooth micro-geometry – the tooth flank topographies – is designed so that proper tooth contact is maintained in all loading conditions. With our proven simulation-based design concept the tooth geometry can be optimized as a part of a system-level analysis, taking account of the effects of the entire driveline environment. A complete model of the gear drive is used to predict actual gear misalignments in various loading conditions.

Misalignments are used as input for tooth mesh simulation based on precise 3D models. This process gives the designer valuable insight into crucial tooth mesh properties, such as tooth stress distribution, dynamic behaviour, sliding speeds, flank temperatures and tooth backlash. The tooth geometry can then be modified specifically to ensure optimal tooth contact characteristics in all loading conditions. Our simulation and optimization concept enables more accurate assessment of various potential damage mechanisms. Applied at the design stage, these can further reduce overall costs through improved reliability, shorter product development time and faster assembly and testing processes.

Gear design and optimization

Depending on customer needs, we are able to carry out both basic tooth geometry and strength calculations as well as highly advanced gear simulation and optimization. Geometry and strength calculations can be carried out according to all common national and international standards as well as methods applied by classification societies. With our in-house gear design capability, we can guarantee full manufacturing compatibility already in the design phase, which is very important for cost-effective solutions.

For applications with stringent requirements – regarding, for example, power density, noise and efficiency – we utilize our advanced gear simulation/optimization concept. This approach ensures significant improvement in the performance and reliability of a gear drive as the tooth micro-geometry – the tooth flank topographies – is designed so that proper tooth contact is maintained in all loading conditions. With our proven simulation-based design concept the tooth geometry can be optimized as a part of a system-level analysis, taking account of the effects of the entire driveline environment. A complete model of the gear drive is used to predict actual gear misalignments in various loading conditions.

Misalignments are used as input for tooth mesh simulation based on precise 3D models. This process gives the designer valuable insight into crucial tooth mesh properties, such as tooth stress distribution, dynamic behaviour, sliding speeds, flank temperatures and tooth backlash. The tooth geometry can then be modified specifically to ensure optimal tooth contact characteristics in all loading conditions. Our simulation and optimization concept enables more accurate assessment of various potential damage mechanisms. Applied at the design stage, these can further reduce overall costs through improved reliability, shorter product development time and faster assembly and testing processes.

Damage analysis

Although ATA’s process is designed to accurately produce the specified gear design and thereby minimize risk of failure, gears inevitably break down from time to time. Gear damage is rarely due to the gear itself but a consequence of unforeseen loads and other operating conditions. One of the keys to ATA’s success is our close cooperation with our customers to thoroughly understand the applications and then to apply that knowledge to prevent problems from occurring. Our vast database of detailed empirical information is an invaluable source to solve gear damage problems and prevent them from reoccurring.

  • Applying the same advanced simulation methods as in gear design optimization
  • Option to consider actual gear geometry based on CMM measuring
  • Capabilities for complete material studies (macro-/micro-structure, chemical analysis, SEM, etc.)

Damage analysis

Although ATA’s process is designed to accurately produce the specified gear design and thereby minimize risk of failure, gears inevitably break down from time to time. Gear damage is rarely due to the gear itself but a consequence of unforeseen loads and other operating conditions. One of the keys to ATA’s success is our close cooperation with our customers to thoroughly understand the applications and then to apply that knowledge to prevent problems from occurring. Our vast database of detailed empirical information is an invaluable source to solve gear damage problems and prevent them from reoccurring.

  • Applying the same advanced simulation methods as in gear design optimization
  • Option to consider actual gear geometry based on CMM measuring
  • Capabilities for complete material studies (macro-/micro-structure, chemical analysis, SEM, etc.)

Assembly & testing support

  • Supervision and support in gear assembly (adjustment of contact pattern and backlash)
  • Supervision and support for gear testing (full-load-contact-pattern testing, fatigue testing arrangements)

Assembly & testing support

  • Supervision and support in gear assembly (adjustment of contact pattern and backlash)
  • Supervision and support for gear testing (full-load-contact-pattern testing, fatigue testing arrangements)

Bevel gear test bench

Testing gears of all sizes at full load successfully paves the way for future progress – both in our own process & product development and as a service to our customers. ATA Gears works closely with Tampere University, Finland in a large-scale 2-Megawatt test bench facility. The test bench is used for both in-house process development – development of gear design and manufacturing methods – and for customer projects – gear geometry/material optimization.

The test bench construction, instrumentation and the testing protocols applied are based on extensive development effort. Gear testing for performance, life and fatigue means using extreme loads. With cleverly designed testing protocols, testing times can be radically shortened: nobody can wait for 20 years to see the damage to gears designed to last for decades.

  • 2-Megawatt circulating power test bench, with two test gear pairs running simultaneously
  • Accurate control of torque and speed
  • Testing/validating new gear design simulation methods
  • Fatigue, scuffing, noise testing of gears (gear design optimization)
  • Research of various gear damage machanisms (including tooth fatigue fracture, TFF)

Bevel gear test bench

Testing gears of all sizes at full load successfully paves the way for future progress – both in our own process & product development and as a service to our customers. ATA Gears works closely with Tampere University, Finland in a large-scale 2-Megawatt test bench facility. The test bench is used for both in-house process development – development of gear design and manufacturing methods – and for customer projects – gear geometry/material optimization.

The test bench construction, instrumentation and the testing protocols applied are based on extensive development effort. Gear testing for performance, life and fatigue means using extreme loads. With cleverly designed testing protocols, testing times can be radically shortened: nobody can wait for 20 years to see the damage to gears designed to last for decades.

  • 2-Megawatt circulating power test bench, with two test gear pairs running simultaneously
  • Accurate control of torque and speed
  • Testing/validating new gear design simulation methods
  • Fatigue, scuffing, noise testing of gears (gear design optimization)
  • Research of various gear damage machanisms (including tooth fatigue fracture, TFF)


  • Tailored to customer needs
  • From basics of gearing to advanced optimization and assembly/testing
  • Can be arranged at ATA Gears or customer’s site


  • Tailored to customer needs
  • From basics of gearing to advanced optimization and assembly/testing
  • Can be arranged at ATA Gears or customer’s site

ATA ReVive

Occasionally, slight damage and/or wear can occur on tooth flanks that do not acutely affect the power transmission capability of the gears, but which, if ignored, can progress and lead to critical damage. In such cases, if the damage is slight and observed at an early stage, a refurbishment of the gears may be possible using our ATA ReVive™ remanufacturing and reengineering service. Depending on the case, the refurbishment can be carried out by remachining tooth flanks or by various other methods. ATA ReVive is the acclaimed result of decades of experience with gear damage as well as process development for gear refurbishment. With our vast knowledge of various failure modes, we can determine with confidence whether a gear is worth ‘ReViving’. ATA ReVive has proven a cost-efficient solution in a vast range of situations:

  • Corrosion and slight surface damage (e.g. scuffing, scratches, cavitation) on gear teeth
  • Need to update and modify tooth micro-geometry (contact pattern) due to change of gear use
Feel free to contact us for an assessment of feasibility of ATA ReVive to your case!